Adrian Gonzalez is an artist who explores multifaceted relationships between American and Latin histories through issues of knockoffs. They may include clothes, viral images, shoes, people, cartoon characters, language, and architecture.  He manipulates mixed-use objects, images, and language through collage, assemblage, painting, sculpture, and prints. He references these issues of contemporary interactions through the improvisational blending of two languages in Spanglish, cultural depictions on the internet and television – through familiar mistranslations and misappropriations of tradition, Saturday morning cartoons, magic, and superstition.   He has exhibited his creative research at Art St. Louis, Greenpoint Gallery, Mildred Lane Kemper Museum of Art, Orlando Museum of Art, and Bruno David Gallery.

He received his MFA from Washington University in St. Louis and was a participant at Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. He collaborated as a Master Printer at Flying Horse Editions where it was his growing responsibility to provide complex technical expertise and individual creative support to widely exhibited artists. He has led presentations on his work and taught workshops on his research as a Collaborative Master Printer on many contemporary and traditional prints and techniques at the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, in New York City, Crown Point Press, in San Francisco, the University of Central Florida, and the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona.

He is currently Assistant Professor of Printmedia at the University of Florida in Gainesville FL


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